As you might remember, Andile Callani moved out from his brother's home to live with Abeni. He arrives in perfect time to see his bride-to-be drop frozen to the ground. She seems to be fine, though.
Some days later, they have their wedding. Unfortunately the guests seem to think it's more important to keep playing with their ball... Anyhow, Abeni Zima becomes Abeni Callani. She was born a Seoli though. Hope no one got confused now, haha.
Next, Fabricia grows up to a knowledge sim with a full nice-meter and I like her a lot at once. She's by far the prettiest of Abeni and Adebayo's kids.
Before the "grew-up-well" symbol even has time to disappear from over her head, her brother welcomes her to the teenage by giving her a noogie. Nice, Vibianus.
And then tragedy strikes. Fabricia is taking a shower when an angry wolf appears. Luckily they have Grimalkin, who comes to the rescue... but gets killed. And that doesn't stop the bad wolf from attacking and killing Fabricia too, in the very same place her father died when she was still in her mother's womb. Damn the luck. I liked her...
Just like the Callani's, this family has an extreme cold, which I think Iuliana is aware of by now. For some reason, no one could warm her up and the poor girl had to lay there for hours.
Abeni freezes for the second time in four days. And yes, that is a little bump! She's expecting Andile's first child. Hopefully this family will have more luck.
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