Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Round 1 - Nixeira

The Nixeira family used to be a big, sprawling family, but in the last round, things changed. The father died, and when they became slaves, the mother Akinyi was taken to work at the Palace along with the oldest daughter Nona. One of the young boys, Tacitus, was taken to work for a Patrician. The only teenager left is Quintus, the family's oldest child, who is now responsible for his five young siblings. Quintus Nixeira is a neat and nice popularity sim, and in the picture he's holding his brother Marianus.
The family has two sets of twins. The younger pair are only babies - a boy named Aemilius and a girl named Fabiola - and the older ones are children. This is Caelina.
And this is Prisca.
This is Fulvia Zima, who is going to become Quintus wife this round.
We go straight for the wedding, where Fulvia Zima becomes Fulvia Nixeira.
The only audience was the twin girls and a skunk. Lovely.
That night, we already have a bunch of birthdays. Let's begin with the oldest one, Marianus, who becomes a child.
Here he is afterwards. When I say someone has the "typical Nixeira face", this is what I'm talking about. I think most families in the neighborhood has a mother with this face, so it's really spread out because the actual Nixeira's always had a lot of kids.
The younger set of twins also grow up. Here's Aemilius.
And here's Fabiola. As you may see, I wouldn't say any of them has the typical Nixeira face.
This is how the older kids spend their days, playing outside of their one-room apartment.
Bump! Seems like the wedding night was fruitful.
And this is how the younger ones entertain themselves.
The little belly quickly becomes a big one. The newly-become couple still don't know each other enough to be friends, but they don't seem to hate one another.
And then I suddenly spot Grimmie making a visit! Turns out Prisca has died from the cold everyone (in the whole goddamned neighborhood no one ever gets healthy) has...
Luckily, the family has access to a Genie Lamp. I decided to bring Prisca back since there's already a lack of girls in the third generation and we don't need to lose one of the ones we have. Even the Genie thinks this place stinks, haha...
And she comes back in a cloud of green smoke! Yay!
Then, it's suddenly time for Fulvia to deliver our first generation 4 baby. Her mother Uduak even came as support.
And it's a girl! Little Drusa Nixeira. She has black hair and brown eyes.
Wait a second...
... And it's another pair of twins. My face was similar to the loving father Quintus when I realized that this household now holds three of them. Seriously. Both of them are girls and they have the same hair- and eye-color. The second one's name is Antonia.
Coincidentally, the third pair of twins are born on the birthday of both the other pairs, which means that Caelina and Prisca are becoming teenagers...
And that Aemilius and Fabiola are growing up to children. (Fabiola looks really strange, lol)
Here's my dear Caelina (no favouritism going on here at all... or maybe yes) as a teenager. She's a pleasure sim and her nice-meter is full.
And her sister Prisca, who's an active and outgoing popularity sim.
The child Aemilius.
And the child Fabiola.
No need to get used to those two... They both grow up badly and start fighting.
Fabiola wins, which means that Aemilius won't live to see the next sunrise.
Everybody's crying and Fabiola just stands there like "Huh, ok, no brother for me"...
Bye bye little boy. Let's try to see it positively, one less mouth to feed, one less boy to marry... Now I feel evil.
The remaining members of the family visit the Baths. Quintus and Fulvia use this time to go on a date, and finally get feelings for each other.
Marianus wasn't creepy at all when he decided to stand and stare at the bathing ladies for hours.
When they come home, Quintus grows up into an adult. I didn't manage to get a picture of him in the rainbow light so you'll have to settle for this.
Here he is, looking more Era-appropriate.
The little twins had their birthday too. Here's Antonia in a stink-cloud with her aunt Prisca.
And here's Drusa with her mother. Both of them look like Quintus, which I'm pleased to see. I never liked Fulvia's face much, although she does have a lovely eye color. She's the only one in the neighborhood with it, hopefully someone inherits it...

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