Sunday, May 31, 2015

Round 7 - Callius

This lovely family is the Callius family, where three poor kids have romance sims as parents.
Row 1: Manlius Callarai (Head of the family, sitting), Herminia Callius (wife, sitting), Valens Zimeca (slave, standing)
Row 2: Titiana Callius (daughter, sitting), Martialis Callius (heir, sitting), Aelia Callius (second daughter, sitting)

Herminia was so pregnant when I started that the first thing to happen was this. Their fourth child and last obligatory!
It's a boy! They name him Aetius.
Herminia breaks into a hysterical laughter when the boy is born, and loses her mind a bit.
So does Manlius when he comes home from work and hears the great news. Lovely parents...
Herminia found a guy she had three bolts with, and of course she had to WooHoo him.
At least the kids are cute.
As little Aetius has his first birthday, Herminia discovers an unplanned pregnancy.
The boy looks just like his father and siblings.
For some reason, Manlius gets wishes about teaching his sons things, but not his daughters. Hmm.
Herminia's belly keeps growing.
She's the one in charge of teaching their toddler how to talk and also how to use the potty.
The heir Martialis has his birthday.
Here he is, extremely like his father.
The same night his mother goes into labor.
Welcome to the world little girl! Try not to take your father's breakdown personal.
Herminia breaks down too, again. These two... The little girl's name is Porcia, and she's already promised to Emperor Varius' son Agapetus. If everything goes good, she'll be the next Empress!
They didn't have a single party yet this round, so I threw one for Aetius birthday.
And here we have him. At least this family is quite good looking.

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