Finally some things are going on at the Palace! Emperor Varius betrothed is finally old enough for marriage, and this round it takes place after a long wait.
Row 1: Ovidius Zimeca (slave, standing), Germanus Nixeira (slave, standing), Augusta Nixeira (slave, standing)
Row 2: Varius Callani (Emperor, sitting), Sabina Callani (Empress, sitting)
Row 3: Albanus Callani (brother, standing), Januarius Callani (heir, standing)
Little Augusta takes the place of her sister Drusa, who moved out because she's getting married.
How to try to make Sabina feel at home: Gossip a little about the execution of the man who killed her father. Great people, these.
When it's finally time for the wedding, Saturnina breaks the ice with a traditional old breakdown for unknown reasons. Family sims...
Here it is! The ceremony in which Sabina Callandile becomes Empress Sabina Callani. May the marriage of these two romance sims be long and fruitful!
Once they stop being cousins, it's apparent that they have three bolts for each other! What a match. Sabina immediately gets feelings for her husband, while he looks more like he's feeling choked already.
Lol, timing!
They even had a nice toast for the Emperor.
Time for the wedding night. With elderhood just around the corner, Varius would very much like to have a son like, yesterday.
Woho! Their firstborn is on its way!
Look who made a visit to Albanus bed... After accidentally have gotten her pregnant, he arranged a marriage for her to avoid embarrasment. He doesn't know much about the slaves though, except for the gladiators. When he heard one of them was unmarried, he quickly fixed the situation by betrothing Drusa to him.
In a house full of sims and still this lonely... Poor Ovidius.
Why, Sabina? Apparently, three bolts with her husband isn't enough to stay faithful, and she takes the slave Germanus to bed while Varius is out working. Sigh.
It seems like they get new kitchen slaves all the time. Now, the assignment is Ovidius', who don't really know what he's doing, but has the rest of his life to figure it out.
Baby time! This is the first birth ever in the Palace.
It's a little girl! Her name will be Aphrodisia.
While most of my sims work out autonomously and stay fit, Sabina does not. This is the first time she ever did. She's probably the heaviest sim in the neighborhood, but a heavy girl in The Sims 2 isn't much more than curvy, luckily for her I guess.
Umm. Yeah. You might remember Aurelia, the girl Varius fell in love with some round ago. They met again at the Baths.
Why are you so happy Januarius? Your Empress is being assaulted...
When they arrive back home, it's time for Sabina to become an adult.
Here she is! Still beautiful.
Oh my, Ovidius... He's very brave, to flirt with a Patrician woman in the open like this.
But I guess Germanus is even braver... Luckily, that attention she just got seems to take the pain out of these slaps.
I thought inviting Gordianus, Sabina's teenage love, might be a mistake, but it turned out not to be. Since the wedding, they only interact like friends although they're still in love. Good boy Gordianus...
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