Friday, May 15, 2015

Round 4 - The Colosseum

The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived - the Colosseum event. As you might already know, this round's event is different from the standard event.
Emperor Varius and his brother, which makes the Emperor's family as he's still unmarried, has gathered at their balcony. Today, they won't be witnessing a slave fight, but the fight of Caecilius Callarai's life, former Head of the Callarai family. He's convicted of murdering the Callandile wife Abeni with several witnesses, among them the Emperor himself. After the fight, which will determine if Caecilius will live or die, a trial is being held for Felix Jax, suspected of murdering the Callandile heir, Tarquinius. It has been a devastating round for the Callandile family.
The mood in the cell isn't the brightest. Caecilius took dirty measures to increase the chance of him winning this fight - no proofs have been discovered, but it's pretty certain that he paid off a criminal to steal the workout equipment from the gladiators house to keep them from gaining skill points for fighting.
Caecilius makes an attempt at appearing dangerous. The gladiator he's facing is Septimius Zima.
They begin with some light struggling, such as slaps.
Caecilius soon breaks down and cries. May it be that he's finally regretting all the douchy behavior that led him here?
A storm approaches to set the mood for the match, while the Emperor's family cheerfully discusses death.
Finally, the actual fight breaks out. Will Caecilius masterplan have saved him, or is his reign of terror in this neighborhood over?
It seems it is. Septimius is the champion, killing Caecilius as he wins. Caecilius was very close to his brothers, Hortensius and Manlius, and we'll see if any tension develops between them and the Emperor.
Felix Jax, waiting in his cell, doesn't seem too eager to get this started. He's an extremely nice but poor boy, who got attacked by Tarquinius, and accidentally killed him in self-defence. Unfortunately, another Patrician boy was witness to only the ending of the fight, and the reports he made to Tarquinius father wasn't in Felix favor.
When Felix arrives to face his judges, the Emperor's family, he's expecting a fair trial. However, he soon discovers that what he recieves is a mock-trial where he's barely allowed to utter a word before they sentence him to death and send the hungry lions up to eat him, claiming that he'll make a nice meal because of him being fat.
Felix dies.

I have to say this was a very eventful round. The neighborhood has more families than ever - a total of fifteen households. Five patrician (counting the Emperor's family), three plebeian and seven slave households. Not quite balanced yet, but there are a lot of plebeian boys waiting to grow up and I think it'll be more pyramid-like soon.
Round 4 statistics:
Births: 12 (new record!)
Weddings: 6 (new record!)
Deaths: 5 (not sure whether this is a new record too, but it might be - or else it's close)
As you can see, the neighborhood grew by a lot this round. With round 4/16 (Roman/total) completed, we now head for number 5/17.

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