Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Round 6 - Zima

Slave time! First up, the Zima's, as usual. They are nearing the end of their fertile days, but since Iuliana is heavily pregnant they should have time for at least one more child.
Row 1: Caelius Zima (heir, standing), Tatianus Zima (Head of the family, sitting), Iuliana Zima (wife, sitting)
Row 2: Secundus Zima (second son, sitting), Octavia Zima (second daughter, sitting)
The oldest daughter, Vibiana, moved out this round to start working at the Callandile farm.

The twins are super cute!
Already birthing time for Iuliana.
Finally! A boy is born. His name is Livius.
But... but you just had twins?!
Doesn't matter! Two pairs of twins in a row, oh my. Here's little Glaucia, a girl.
Luckily, the older pair has their birthday the same night. Please excuse Secundus for looking that weird.
Here's the boy, looking just like his mother.
And here's the girl, Octavia, recognizable by her hair and eyes.
They play so much it seems like they're going to be easy to care for, keeping each other busy.
When they discovered the neighbor's boy Pompilius, Caelius joined the playing too. Playing all day, no joke.
Which was good, because the babies were killing me. They only started screaming (at the same time, of course) when Tatianus was at work or when everyone was trying to sleep. With no one to help, Iuliana was working hard.
Finally they grew up. Little Livius turned out to look just like his father as a toddler! Complete with the eyebrows and everything.
And, amazingly, Glaucia grew up to be cute, something I didn't expect for one second in this family, lol.
When they started huggling, they were immediately forgiven for being awful babies.
Livius tries to join in on the playing.
Caelius has his birthday!
Here he is. What a gaze, no? Caelius is a knowledge sim.
At the Baths, Octavia found and played with her plant-sim grandmother.
Caelius enjoyed finally being old enough to use the tubs.
Back home, the younger twins managed to have their birthdays simultaneously! Something I always try and fail. Not that anyone in the family is even watching, haha...
Livius looks so much like Tatianus it's ridiculous.
And his sister Glaucia is still pretty.
So much playing and socializing in so little space...
Right before we leave, Valens managed to seduce yet another married woman. Luckily, Iuliana is too old to get pregnant now and we don't have to worry about any bastards... She already had one when she was young! Marcius, who died, if anyone remembers. (I still miss him, he was cute)


  1. May I ask which skins you use? *is obsessed with skins now* lol

    1. Of course! I use the Naturally Idealized Skins by astiees, you can find them here: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=398421

      There are 5 skins in 2 sets, one set with the darker ones and one with the lighter.
      I use the lighter set for S1-S3, but I found the replacement of S4 too light, so for S4 I use the one from the darker set. Hope it's not confusing xD
