How is the Callarai family doing after the execution of their Head Caecilius? Are they filled with secret rage for the Emperor and the Callandile family, or relieved to be rid of him?
Row 1: Otho Nixsana (slave, standing), Horatia Zimeca (slave, standing)
Row 2: Saturnina Callarai (Head of the family, sitting), Fabricius Callarai (heir, sitting)
Row 3: Chinwe Callarai (mother-in-law, standing); holding: Severus Callarai (third son), Gordianus Callarai (second son, sitting), Balbina Callarai (daughter, sitting)
We begin with the last goodbye of Caecilius. As you can see, his daughter is absolutely devastated.
She cries and cries over her father. Young as she is, she never got to see her father's bad sides and looked up to him a lot.
Otho has a, umm, tragic accident, hahaha. He's fine though.
The littlest boy, Severus, has his birthday not long after we start.
I know I said it would be difficult to like him, but how can I not when he smiles like that?!
Caecilius heir, Fabricius, takes a moment alone to show just how he feels about losing his father. I'm hoping he'll keep it inside, though. The family is damaged enough as it is...
The slave girl Horatia had her birthday too.
Here she is. I didn't expect her to look good so at least I'm not disappointed. Horatia is a fortune sim, like her twin brother Ovidius, and very neat.
I'm not sure what Severus was doing, standing there for hours, but it looked pretty creepy. I missed taking them to the Baths last round, so I'm taking them twice this time.
Saturnina found herself being seduced by the gladiator who executed her husband and she didn't resist him one bit... I don't even know...
For some reason, Horatia and Germanus don't like each other one bit. None of them had aspiration failure, so I guess they just don't work together...
With all the children older than toddlers, it was time for the family's bakery shop to open once more.
It's Balbina's birthday! Her brother's seem excited to have her join their age.
Still not pretty at all, but family status and money changes her attractiveness. Balbina is a pleasure sim, just like her betrothed Albanus Callani. She's also neat.
On the second visit to the Baths, Chinwe was reunited with her former slave and lover Tacitus.
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