The first new household of the round belongs to the twin brother of the Callarai heir.
Row 1: Job Nixotho (slave, standing), Gordianus Callarai (Head of the family, sitting), Lucretia Callianus (wife, sitting)
As usual with new households, we break the ice with a wedding. Lucretia Seoli becomes Lucretia Callianus and leaves her plebeian status to become a patrician.
They are complete strangers, but they seem to like each other well enough and I have to say they look great together.
But as you might remember, Gordianus heart belongs to Empress Sabina. He's not afraid of showing it either.
Lucretia gets a makeover to match her new status.
Little Job is actually Lucretia's nephew - her sister wasn't as lucky when it came to finding a husband, and became a slave. Job's twin sister and best friend was killed at the Colosseum last round.
Not at all long after the wedding night, Lucretia confirms a pregnancy.
Gordianus seems to accept and like Lucretia more and more. Maybe he can even put Sabina behind him one day?
Their first child is really close.
Gordianus turned out not to be a natural when it comes to climbing the career ladder.
It's time, it's time!
A little boy! They name him Jeffrey.
And with that, the father is ready to become an adult.
Rivalry! Be careful, Lucretia.
Here's Gordianus now, still handsome.
Everyone had to be in the bathroom while they WooHoo'd, lol. Poor Fabricius!
They are a good-looking couple.
Gordianus and Germanus made enemies. It's not Germanus' first, he's really asking for enemies.
While caring for her little son in the middle of the night, Lucretia discovers another pregnancy.
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