Saturday, March 28, 2015

Round 7 - Zima 2

Since Adebayo moved out from his family home to start his own life with Abeni Seoli, we now have two Zima's. This household did of course start as a small one with only two people, but it was pretty crowded all the time anyway from all the guests who weren't even invited in.
And a small household didn't stop things from getting more complicated in the neighborhood, when Ade Zima and Masamba Seoli (the typical cheaters!) decided to start an affair with each other. Didn't manage to catch the act on camera, though, but that make out-session just happened. Dakarai pretend he didn't see anything.
The teenagers had a snowstorm-wedding and Abeni Seoli became Abeni Zima.
They went on a quick honeymoon and when they came back they were greeted by this guy!
Adebayo became an adult, and here he is. He's four days older than his wife.
They WooHoo'd like three times per day, so this wasn't very surprising. But yay, generation 3 babies!

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