Monday, March 23, 2015

Getting Started

To begin with, I'll give this overview of what the neigborhood looks like at this stage, when I'm beginning Round 1. I know, it's not much and not pretty - and less so in the neighborhood view where the details on the huts/caves/stone-rooms doesn't show - but hey, it's something.

So this is Winter Valley - not much of winter here yet, as the weather is still pretty much tropical and my dear sims will have more problems with getting overheated than frozen as we begin. 

On these little lots we have 5 starting families, with a last name that all means something that has to do with winter in different languages (you'll have to excuse me though, since I forgot to write down in which languages): Zima (meaning winter), Nixeira (both nix and eira meaning snow), Seoli (meaning frost), Jax (meaning ice) and Callani (meaning cold). I'll give you a proper introduction to these people in the following posts.

For anyone who's interested in knowing more about this challenge, here's the link to the rules:
I will be using my own, modified version of these rules though, to make the challenge more enjoyable for myself. But I hope you enjoy following it too!

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