Thursday, March 26, 2015

Round 5 - Jax

When we left the Jax's last time they were a small family with only two surviving children and some infertility problems. However, this round started with Makena finally fulfilling a pregnancy. She gave birth to a little girl, Yewande, meaning "mother has returned" (for real!)
The first thing Tafari does when the girl arrives is cuddle her and tell her he's happy she's born. Too cute!
Lekan continues to care for his little sister even in his teens. This family has been unlucky but it's definitely the cutest one.
Yewande grows into a toddler with the help of her brother.
He's just as good with her as he is to Temitope. This guy is going to be a great father even though he's not even a family sim.
Tafari and Makena actually even manage to have a second son before growing too old. Here's Tafadzwa!
Lastly, Temitope becomes a teen family sim. She's a neat and nice, but lazy girl.


  1. FlyingRaccoon here, from the ToT thread. ;) Just stopping by to congratulate you on the great start you've got here. I love how you added the floods, wolf attacks, etc. It really brings more variety into the challenge, especially at the beginning where there is mostly not that much drama going on. And that chain reaction started by Adisa Zima's death is quite funny. :P

    Another funny thing is that I have a little custom hood called Yewande. But I wouldn't have thought that it is an actual name, as I just... called it something? :3 So, funny coincidence.

    1. Thank you :D I'm glad you enjoy it :) I'm in the progess of reading your blog too, but I play more than I read at the moment so I haven't gotten very far, haha.
      Yes, things really got more dramatic than I thought, definitely more than in my last attempt xD But it just makes it more fun to play.

      Haha, how strange :D I use behindthename's random name generator and always click the ones I get as suggestion to see what they mean. This one fit perfectly :)
