Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Round 10 - Callani

First thing to happened when I started the household was Monifa getting up, miscarrying, and having a breakdown. Seems like we're off to a good start...
Monifa's crisis really put a strain on hers and Zephania's marriage and things were not looking bright.
... But ACR fixed it again, lol.
Next up is lots of birthdays! First, their eldest Saturnina became a teenager. She's an active and grouchy family sim.
Then, the family's youngest, Albanus became a child. He looks a lot like his father when he was a child (and I'm happy one of them don't have that Nixeira-nose...)
And then the middle child Varius became a teenager too. I was right about him and Saturnina being clones, they have the same personality too. At least he's walking in his father's footsteps with the romance aspiration.
Monifa finally managed to complete a pregnancy, and gave birth to a third little son, Januarius.
They had an enormous storm that killed all of their plants and made poor Zephania get struck by lightning. At least none of them died.
Unfortunately, we have to end the round the same way it started, with Monifa having another miscarriage. I think this is the third or fourth one... But since she already has three sons, it's not the end of the world.

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