Friday, March 27, 2015

Round 6 - Nixeira

Very first thing to happen: Achieng Seoli, who doesn't even live in this household, set the bar for most aspiration failures even higher when she had her third one. Let's just call her a very special sim...
The eldest children Monifa and Ameqran left their home for a little adventure. Little did they expect that sweet Rudo with her full nice-meter would be attacked by the same wolf who's been on a killing spree in the neighborhood, and die. I'll miss her, honestly. A little. Now the Nixeira's "only" has six surviving children.
Six birthdays took place in this large hoursehold between this sad event and the end of the season. First, youngest boy Themba became a sad-looking child.
Second, the parents became elders. Here's Pilirani.
And here's Tamrat, with household baby Tatenda, who became a toddler.
Nathanda became a teenager. Like most others, she's a knowledge sim. She's also outgoing and active.
Last but not least (oh wait, she is) Tatenda grew up to a child, looking pretty much like all her siblings.

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