Monday, June 1, 2015

Round 7 - Jax

If the Jax family is rich on something, it's daughters.
Row 1: Marina Jax (heir, standing); holding: Longina Jax (fourth daughter), Aelianus Jax (Head of the family, sitting), Aurelia Jax (wife, sitting)
Row 2: Laurentia Jax (second daughter, sitting), Hadriana Jax (third daughter, sitting)
Aelianus youngest brother Verginius moved out for marriage since last round.

As usual, the family is farming.
I'm worried about the Jax name because of the lack of a son, but I try to bond with the girls to like them and calm myself a little. Here's Hadriana, playing.
The small girls both have their birthday.
This is Hadriana now.
And little Longina looks a bit like Pippi Longstocking, lol.
Aurelia teaches her youngest girl how to walk in the garden, before the snows come.
In the middle of teaching her how to talk, Aurelia has to take a break to let her belly grow. Number five on its way!
The garden is great for playing.
But so is the kitchen!
Please excuse Aelianus, lol. Aurelia's belly grows some more!
Time for another double birthday.
Laurentia grows into a teenager with the knowledge aspiration.
And Longina becomes a child.
During one of aunt Herminia's visits, Aurelia goes into labor. Surely this has to be a boy.
And... it's... a... fifth... girl. I don't even know what to say. Her name is Alba, and at least she has red hair.
I'm really starting to dislike Petronius Seoli. Not only did he murder his brother (twice), he's also slapping people whenever he feels like it.
This family has always been extremely outgoing with lots of hanging out, and now I can confirm that this behaviour has been inherited by the new generation as well.


  1. And there's no boys in the other branch either, so you could make do somehow.

    1. Nope, all girls :'( Haha. I'll make some bastards (they get the mother's name) in case of emergency, I'm refusing to lose a name!
