Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Round 7 - Seolius

Time for the Seolius family. Let's see how Antonia is faring after the death of her bastard daughter's father.
Row 1: Antonia Seolius (wife, standing); holding: Slavomira Seolius (heir), Marius Seoli (Head of the family, sitting)
Row 2: Elizabeta Nixeira (bastard of wife, sitting)

Little Elizabeta is special. When she ends her teenage, the whole Era ends too, haha. (I can't wait!)
The girls had their birthday together.
This is Elizabeta now. She's pretty isn't she?
And here's the obviously trueborn daughter Slavomira.
Antonia's mother skills has improved since her first child.
Elizabeta has a full nice-meter like her mother, and it shows.
Another one on its way!
Slavomira wasn't too interested in talking at first, maybe communicating by screams fits her, haha.
Marius is a great father, and not only to Slavomira. He's best friends with both the girls.
Antonia's belly is bigger and the little girl has her birthday again.
Here she is, super happy.
The next morning, the baby comes.
It's a boy! They name him Tomislav.
Elizabeta is extremely nice while Slavomira only has one nice-point. Sometimes they clash.
I'm pretty sure Antonia is only pretending she isn't noticing her daughter.
Meanwhile, Slavomira found two Patrician boys fighting. I'm really tired of Severus and his sister always acting like their father although it got him executed...
I miscalculated a bit, hehe. This is supposed to show Tomislav's first birthday.
Here's the little boy now.
Slavomira is a show-off. Luckily, her older sister is very patient.

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