Monday, June 22, 2015

Round 7 - Nixitus

The Nixitus family has never been a big one, but now only these girls remain. The husband and father is Tacitus Nixeira, a gladiator who recently murdered his own also gladiator brother.
Row 1: Martina Nixitus (Head of the family, sitting), Paula Nixitus (daughter, sitting)
Row 2: Maxima Nixitus (second daughter, sitting)

With their brother dead and gone, it's harmony among the sisters, who are very close.
Their mother, who's known in the neighborhood as being very fragile and somewhat crazy (but still everyone's favourite aunt), has a thing for Cassian Nixsana.
However, her days of youth and (questionable) beauty are about to be gone.
Here she is now. In her fertile days, Martina only brought three children into the world. Her only son died, and now she has nothing but two daughters.
Elderhood didn't bring much wisdom for Martina... She still does things that no other sim does.
Little Maxima (who killed her brother, in case you forgot) has her birthday.
This is teenage Maxima, a romance sim.
The girls aren't much for hanging out with the others, and usually just hands out noogies or play dart by themselves.
Maxima met a handsome young naked man at the Baths.
Martina ran into her husband, who gave her some cuddles and love.
And then she met her sister Fulvia too and they had some quality time. My old little girls...

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