Thursday, July 23, 2015

Round 9 - Callius

All I can say after this household is that this round seems to becoming a killing spree.
Row 1: Manlius Callarai (Head of the household, sitting), Herminia Callius (wife, sitting), Secundus Zima (slave, standing)
Row 2: Martialis Callius (heir, sitting), Aelia Callius (second daughter, sitting), Aetius Callius (second son, sitting), Porcia Callius (third daughter, sitting)
After the drama with the slave Valens, he was replaced with Secundus. The family's eldest daughter Titiana has also moved out for marriage.

Herminia made the mistake to attack Januarius at a party in the Palace earlier this round, and now she's paying the price.
Her last thoughts are of her oldest son. Bye Herminia!
Sweet little Porcia is devastated.
But she still has duties, as she needs to maximize her creativity and charisma to prepare for her marriage to the Emperor's heir Agapetus.
Aelia finds comfort in their new slave Secundus.
Once the word that Secundus deflowered his sister comes out, Martialis doesn't approve of it, and attacks Secundus.
He doesn't stop until Secundus is dying in the streets.
The one plead has already been used for Secundus, and he's really leaving us.
Young Aetius has his birthday.
And here he is now. He's a family sim.
... Aaand Aelia's pregnant.
Of course, that means she needs someone to comfort her once again. This time, she invited the former slave Valens over.
Martialis seems to have lost his mind after his mother's death, as he feels rivaled by his little brother also becoming a teenager.
Aelia's belly keeps growing.

Martialis crosses the line and attacks Aetius, who manages to defend himself.
But as Aelia finds her brother dying on the floor, she does what she can to save him.
And is successful!
That night, she goes into labor.
Her bastard is a little girl, who she names Juana.
Aetius is itching for revenge after his brother's attack on him, and does the same thing.
But this time, Martialis is the victorious one.
This time it's their father who steps in to the rescue as he sees one of his sons lifeless.
Aetius survives. When will this mad rivalry end?
Manlius has been attracted to Caelina Jaxius a long time, and now he finally made a move.
But at the Baths, it seems like Aetius anger with his brother got the best of him once more. This fight will definitely end the rivalry between the Callius brothers.
Martialis is the winner, and thereby the one who walks out of this alive.
Aetius soon dies from his injuries.
Bye boy... I hope Martialis' murder madness is just a phase...

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