Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Round 8 - Seoli

This family is always a handful with three generations in the same household, but as the only ones with second generation sims still living, the Seoli's are special in a good way.
Row 1: Tiburtius Seoli (heir, standing), Chinedu Seoli (Head of the family, sitting), Tatenda Seoli (wife, sitting), Luciana Seoli (wife of heir, standing)
Row 2: Iunia Seoli (granddaughter, sitting), Maximianus Seoli (grandson, sitting), Flavia Seoli (granddaughter, sitting), Tullia Seoli (granddaughter, sitting)
The youngest son of Chinedu and Tatenda, Petronius, moved out since last round.

Luciana is a romance sim and usually not very caring, but when she is, it's cute.
She does make a good job teaching all her children what they need to know.
And soon, their fifth child will arrive too.
At least Tullia has the time to learn everything.
I knew it was coming this round... The end of the life of Chinedu Seoli. It's been a long one!
He even managed to get a platinum grave, I believe it's the second one of the challenge, hehe. Life's hard these times!
Bye bye Chinedu.
He just missed the birth of another grandchild.
Luciana delivers a fourth daughter (as long as they have a son I'm not going to complain...), and they name her Julia.
That night was very cold, with both Tiburtius...
and Luciana freezing completely, haha. Brings me back to the ice age of the Stone Age!
Tatenda is not taking the death of her husband well.
Little Tullia has her birthday.
Here she is! A little stinky.
Luciana immediately gets pregnant again after Julia.
Tiburtius doesn't seem too sad about losing his job, lol.
Tonight is Julia's birthday.
She looks like the rest of her sisters, hmm. At least they're good looking (as teen's anyway).
Here we go with another one!
Luciana's belly has grown, too.
Once again, Maximianus is the one playing with his little sisters. He's a family sim, so I don't think he minds.
Old, old Tatenda, the last living second generation sim... The last one with a Stone Age name in the whole neighborhood.
Tibertius is the Head of the household now.
I'm really happy about how both Iunia, her brother and their neighbor Cloelia Jaxius look. Who would have thought I'd get to have some good looking sims this far into the challenge? Haha.
And now the time has run out for Tatenda as well.
Let's say goodbye to Generation 2!
The family took the death of the old lady badly, with half of them going into aspiration failure.
Flavia and Tullia like each other well and play nicely, but I hope they don't have a fight because of their grandmother's death.

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