Thursday, July 16, 2015

Round 8 - Nixeira

The Nixeira household has been nothing but two alone brothers for the past rounds, but now things are starting to change as their older brother Germanus wife moves in. The brothers also have a sister, Augusta, working at the Palace.
Row 1: Paula Nixeira (Head of the family, sitting), Cicero Nixeira (brother of husband, sitting)
Row 2: Pompilius Nixeira (second brother of husband, sitting)
Paula just moved in to marry Germanus, who's working for the Emperor.

We start off with the small wedding ceremony, where Paula Nixitus becomes Paula Nixeira.
Germanus has done this before, with the Empress herself, but this is Paula's first time kissing and WooHooing.
The night after the wedding she discovers a pregnancy.
Cicero doesn't like his sister Augusta, which I was reminded of when she made a visit and this happened.
A thief came by to steal this single torch. Nothing strange by now, lol.
Paula's pregnancy progresses just fine anyway. I wish sims could yet used to smells, haha, the slaves are always smelly.
In the middle of the night, Paula wakes up with labor.
She has a son! She names him Seleukos.
But, she hands him over to uncle Pompilius at once...
Twins again, haha.
The second one is a baby girl, named Charmion.
Paula didn't want to come to the Baths for whatever reason, but Cicero was enjoying himself.
Back home, Germanus comes over to see his babies, and brings Empress Sabina with him.
Of course, they mess everything up... What the hell, Sabina. Not classy!
Paula has her birthday the same night.
Here she is now. Just became an adult and her marriage is already in ruins.
Or is it? I thought they would refuse making more babies, but it seems they do it happily. Well... Better than not!

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