Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Round 4 - Jax

First thing that happened this season was the family sim Tafari having a breakdown over his dead daughter Omolara. I understand him, since I really liked the girl too.
After his older sister's death, Lekan seems to be more fond of his younger sister. He's truly sweet with her, always playing and keeping her fun- and social-meters full.
Unfortunately, the family's plans on having a third/fourth/however you count it child aren't going great. Makena has a late miscarriage and seriously cries for hours.
Temitope grows into a child without having had any younger siblings.
His sister growing older doesn't stop Lekan from playing with her day and night. They really are cute.
Lekan becomes an outgoing teenager with the fortune aspiration. That's usually a bad one to have in the Stone Age but hopefully he'll be fine... And hopefully Makena and Tafari will see the birth of a very much longed for baby in the next round.

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